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The Intuitive Healing Process We start “where you are” and address those issues that you see as important, whether they are physical or otherwise. Here are some examples of services I can offer; any combination of these services could be part of your intuitive consultation: Body scanning and releasing blockages
Intuitive consultations may be done over the phone or in person, or even researched separately. In exploring issues to be addressed in a session, I use my intuition and the client's intuition to ask appropriate questions or make hypotheses. I use muscle testing (kinesiology) to confirm these impressions. Health consultations. Often questions are about foods and health. A health consultation could include: Ü Eating Strategies, including foods to include/avoid, specific diets, and supplements (types & quantities, brands, etc.) Ü Lifestyle adjustments Ü Therapies and practitioners Ü Affirmations/visualizations Ü Flower essences, essential oils, gemstones, homeopathics, etc.
Energetic updates. As you learn, grow, heal, and work off karma, you might find that your issues have shifted to reflect your new state of consciousness. You may need to adjust your foods or try new healing modalities. Re-evaluating periodically is a healthy and positive thing to do. Energetic updates are available weekly, monthly, or seasonally to assist you in your progress, especially important during health crises and transitions.
Understanding life issues. Besides purely physical concerns, we may also address and perhaps offer greater insight into any life issue, including those of our animal friends. We can work on the level of personal history, emotional issues, dreams, past lives, mental attitudes, and spiritual lessons. As with dream interpretation, getting to the "Aha!" or realization of the root of the situation can be a major turning point in the healing process. So an intuitive consultation can help identify the physical trigger and the inner cause or lesson behind any given situation. We can then evaluate possible courses of action, including: Ü Therapies or practitioners if needed Ü Foods that support the body while the situation is resolved Ü Affirmations or visualizations that support a healthy change of attitude Ü Other ways to release or resolve the situation and support you through the process.
Body scanning and releasing blockages. Through a variety of approaches, inner issues and physical triggers may be revealed and potentially released, including: Ü Issues that you may be ready to address at this time. Ü Inner metaphors being demonstrated by physical symptoms. Ü Noticing where inner issues are being held in the body and releasing that energy from the body.
Collaborative work. The work can also be done in conjunction with a counselor of your choice or other health-care professionals to enhance your health benefits.
Muscle Testing. Also known as
muscle monitoring or kinesiology, muscle testing is a
Since I use my own muscle, it is possible for me to work with clients around the world, human and animal. This requires trusting our inner connection and having a sense of clarity and detachment from preconceived ideas.
Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese art of energy work that has ancient roots in several other cultures. It is a simple, natural, hands-on or hands-off method that helps the body relax, release stress, and re-balance. One translation of "Rei-ki" is "Spirit-directed life force."
Most people experience Reiki energy as warmth and/or vibration along with deep relaxation. A deep understanding and acceptance of one's own body and life issues are also possible. Immediate results are often felt; however, long-standing conditions often require multiple sessions to achieve full release, balance, and relaxation. Reiki can be used to enhance any form of healing or therapy and will not interfere with other methods. It may be done hands-on or remotely. I often get insights into health and other issues while practicing Reiki on a client. As a Reiki Master/Teacher, I also offer Reiki attunements, which allow you to use this energy yourself. With classes of several people, I collaborate with Lee Slichter, another Reiki Master/Teacher, to enhance your experience. Read my article, Reiki Ethics.
Originally developed for horses, Tellington Touch,
TTouch is said
to awaken the cells and activate unused neural pathways, allowing The "magic" of TTouch is that a simple method of touching can facilitate replacing fear with love. Often I get impressions of health and other issues while practicing TTouch. It is the modality I generally use first in approaching animal clients. TTouch has been shown to be effective in addressing issues such as: Ü Reducing stress and promoting calmness Ü Improving mental clarity and ability to learn Ü Enhancing balance and performance Ü Releasing fears and traumas Ü Reducing nervous behavior Ü Easing transitions, such as moving to a new home, blended families, or loss of a loved one.
Learn how the Tellington
TTouch Method can help you create a more wonderful partnership
with your horse, dog, cat, bird, bunny or another animal companion.
Sound Tune-Ups. Sound Tune-Ups are done with tuning forks that are placed on the body to relieve pain and re-balance areas of stress or injury. I use intuition, energy sensing, and muscle testing (kinesiology) to determine where to hold the tuning forks, which notes to use, and how many times to apply them; in this way the body guides where the work is needed. Then I use the forks in the same manner on all of the major energy centers (chakras) to re-balance and energize the entire body. This differs from other methods that advocate using the same notes for all people's chakras or organs. I have found that each person, as a unique individual, may need unique vibrations in order to come into balance. People who have experienced this work have described it as relaxing, restructuring, and re-aligning, while promoting a sense of balance and well-being. Some even report wonderful spiritual adventures, like out-of-body experiences. Others have experienced Sound Tune-Ups as relieving pain, adjusting joint problems and misalignments, helping to identify causes of pain, and as a turning-point catalyst in healing a long-term condition. Sound Tune-Ups, when done remotely, are also very effective.
Disclaimer In my practice I use non-invasive methods of touch, light, energy, sound, and unconditional love to relieve stress and promote general feelings of good health. Currently, no licensing is available in the state of Idaho for these practices. While I encourage everyone to take more responsibility for their own health, I do not diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or intend that this work should replace medical care. Statements made in this website are my opinion and should not to be confused as indisputable fact. |